10 Investing Terms You Should Know

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So now, you have finally decided to invest. You have saved up enough funds and you’re thinking of more ways to grow all of your savings. But, let me ask you, have you done your homework? Are you familiar with your investment A to Zs? If not, I have 10 important investing terms that you should know before jumping into investing. From asset allocation to dividend yield, I will be explaining all the complicated terms so you will no longer feel intimidated by these investing terminologies.

It is very important to be familiar with investing terms before you decide how you want to invest so you become more confident with how you want to handle your finances. Check out the video below to learn the 10 investing terms you should know. Don’t worry the video has subtitles so no sound is required.

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Hi! I’m Lauren Mac

I help people who are sick and tired of the rat race! I help them crush their debt, start investing, and live the life they always wanted!

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